Friday, June 25, 2010

!Hola mis amigos!

I hope everybody's doing well. So, my week. One of the highlights was when I got to go with Lilly, who is one of the American missionaries, to different houses around Comayagua. She works alongside a social worker who is employed by the Missioners of Christ. They basically go door to door throughout the city, finding people in the greatest need. They help children with funding for school, single mothers, those who don't have jobs, and those without food. Their ministry also involves visiting the elderly, sick, and lonely. We ended up visiting two elderly people whose spouses had recently died and just needed someone to visit them. The first woman we visited was extremely joyful, and the minute we got there, she began making tortillas and frijoles. I would have never known her husband had just died.

The second man we visited, was absoluely adorable. Him and his wife had been living together for some 40 years or more, and it had been her dream to recieve the sacrament of marriage for many years. A few months after they got married, she died. The man's story is also sad because his children have all moved to the states and have basically abandoned him, and don't ever call him. Lilly was explaining to me that it is very common for many Hondurans to leave to the states to make more money, and completely leave behind their families. This man was so kind and I was so blessed to be able to visit him. Hopefully he felt less forgotten.

Today I helped out with a small retreat for high school kids. It was pretty hysterical, because I was put in a small group with a seminarian who also speaks little spanish. There was a lot of awkard silences, and smiling and nodding on my part, and hoping the teenagers weren't saying completely horrible things. I love how this is stretching me!! Oh how desperately I wish I was fluent day hopefully =)

I have been comissioned to a painting! I wrote that I like to paint and draw, not thinking much of it, and they are putting me to work!! I'm going to be painting Saint Francis Xavier on the wall, the patron saint of missionaries, next to a painting that has already been done of Saint Therese. I am super excited about it, but also pretty nervous too. I appreciate all your prayers, and would ask specifically for grace in the struggles that accompany the language barrier. I just have so much I want to say. But this summer is teaching me to listen. I Would love your comments! I pray that God blesses you in this coming up week.

Lots of love,

"Language comes alive when it speaks by deeds. Enough of talking; let actions speak. We are bloated with words and empty works."
-Saint Anthony of Padua


Monica said...

you are in my prayers as always! good luck on your painting, i'm sure it will be beautiful! isn't amazing that you came with your wonderful gift right when they needed it?!? as my mom would say... "God's Providence!" I miss you so much and I'm glad to see you are doing so well and I love reading your blog!
keep a look out for a letter, i sent one a week ago!
i miss you!
love and prayers,

Stephanie Rose said...

Hey Angie! I just came across your blog and really enjoyed reading about your experiences in Honduras. What an amazing opportunity.

Julie said...

What a joy to be reading up on your life, Angie! Thank you so much for sharing these jewels with us. PS- What is your address!!!